Installation error
If you see the message "An error occured during the registration process.", or any PHP error, or white page:
You just have to enable PHP CURL extension.
Restart your php server, then the installer will work.
1 license = 1 domain + any subdomain
When you register 2 things are done:
That's why you need to register both on your localhost & prod. server.
PHP Form Builder is checking your registration in 2 different ways:
A basic verification is done each time you load a form, using your license.php
This one generates the ugly danger message if something's wrong.
The real strong verification is done once a week or month on the licensing server
If you pass the verification 1 time (post your form successfully) you can be 100% sure that all is definitely ok.
Both will accept any subdomain, but you can't use different domain names extensions.
This means that you have to buy a license for & another one for domain.yyy
& register both with their purchase number.
You can then use any subdomain on both.
If you see the message "An error occured during the registration process.", or any PHP error, or white page:
You just have to enable PHP CURL extension.
Restart your php server, then the installer will work.
You entered your purchase code with a trailing space.
A Regular license allows 2 installations - 1 for your localhost & the other for production server.
If you want to change the installation URL (domain, folder, ...) you have first to uninstall PHP Form Builder from your initial URL, then reinstall on the new one.
To uninstall PHP Form Builder:
If for any reason you can't unregister your copy & want to reinstall, please contact me,
send me your purchase code & delete phpformbuilder/[your-domain]/license.php from your server.
I'll remove your installation license from the server then you'll be able to reinstall elsewhere.
If your page is absolutely white or returns "HTTP ERROR 500" it means you have a php error.
To display error message, you have to enable php display errors.
use phpformbuilder\Form;
use phpformbuilder\Validator\Validator;
// add the line below to your code :
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
If the ini_set() function does not work on your server, you have to turn display_errors On in your php.ini
PHP Form Builder requires a single file, which is called using php include_once() function :
include_once rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/phpformbuilder/Form.php';
If the path to file inside parenthesis is wrong, file is not found.
You've got to find the right path leading to your phpformbuilder directory.
OR Try one of the followings, depending on your situation :
// replace "your-dir" with yours in the following line
include_once rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/your-dir/phpformbuilder/Form.php';
// with a structure like :
// contact-form.php
// phpformbuilder/Form.php
include_once 'phpformbuilder/Form.php';
// with a structure like :
// subfolder/contact-form.php
// phpformbuilder/Form.php
include_once '../phpformbuilder/Form.php';
See Warning: include_once([...]) (same error, same solution)
PHP Form Builder uses the PHP mb_string extension to send emails with the correct encoding.
PHP mb_string extension allows to work with multi-bytes encoding (UTF-8, ...).
PHP mb_string extension is not a default PHP extension, but is enabled on most servers.
If it's not enabled on yours, you've got 2 solutions:
$charset = mb_detect_encoding($mergedHtml);
with: charset = 'iso-8859-1';
if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
$charset = mb_detect_encoding($mergedHtml);
You'll find your version number in comments at the beginning of phpformbuilder/Form.phpOpen your browser's console (instructions here)
You have to solve all errors you see in console. Errors probably come from your page content, not from phpformbuilder itself.
Be sure you include first jQuery, THEN Bootstrap js, THEN phpformbuilder plugins code :
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Bootstrap JavaScript -->
<script src="//"></script>
PHP Form Builder is optimized for fast loading.
This means that all the required plugins files (CSS & Javascript) are automatically minified & concacenated.
When you make changes to the form these files are automatically regenerated.
The minified/concatendated files are located in phpformbuilder/plugins/min/[css|js]
You can always safely remove the css & js files located in these 2 folders.
They'll be regenerated and refreshed, this can in some cases solve cache issues.
When you're in development, you can call the unminified unconcatenated files this way:
// This will load the unminified unconcatenated files
In a few cases, your server may not be correctly configured. Consequence is that the plugins URLs are wrong.
Solution is to set the URL to plugins directory manually:
// Set URL to match your plugins directory
Included templates use a custom version of Bootstrap's css. You'll find it in phpformbuilder/templates/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css
Set the correct path from your form to this css :
<!-- Bootstrap CSS - Change path with your own -->
<link href="assets/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
... Or replace with Bootstrap CDN :
<!-- Bootstrap CSS CDN -->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
jQuery validation plugin is complex and can have unexpected behaviors if it encounters configuration issues or malformed html.
To solve this :
(un-comment) to find out what's going on